
Showing posts from November, 2017

Exploring Reactivity and Periodicity

The question that we tried to answer with this lab was does reactivity a periodic property? What we did to figure it out was test elements in their solid forms and putting them inside water to see how they react. Then we would put phenolphthalein as a base. The elements we used in solid form were sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and copper. Then we made observations on how the elements reacted with water. This are my observations: Sodium- was moving like crazy on the water it was producing smoke and was making a sizzling noise. It changes the color of the water once we added the phenolphthalein.  Potassium- literally exploded once it touched the water and we saw flame.It also changed the color of the water once we added the phenolphthalein. Calcium-at first when we put it in the test tube with water there was a bit of fizzing. Then when we added the phenolphthalein the water changed color and then after a few minutes in a heate...

3 question blog of 10/27

The task we have performed this week was a lab of the flame test which showed us how electrons absorb energy and emit a diffrent color of light according to how many electrons has the element. we learned about excited electrons and ground state electrons. about the speed of light the wave frequency and wavelength how I'm going to reinforced my learning is that probably study my notes for the test.