Exploring Measurements in the Food Industry
Do You Get What You Pay For? Do you get what you pay for in your Cheetos bag? This experiment was so we could better understand accuracy and precision. In this experiment we started by learning how to get accuracy and precision. To get accuracy we needed to get are net weight or (chips weight) close to 28.2-28.4g because the standard Cheetos bag has a weight of 28.3g or that's what the Cheetos company says. To get are precision weight we had to subtract greatest mass to least amount of mass. To be prtecise it had to had a range of < 20g. The materials we used in this experiment were 4 bags of Cheetos, electronic balance, and paper towels. To do this experiment we first had to get the net weight we did that by weighting are Cheetos bag when it was full then we weight it again when we emptied it out. then we subtracted the weight when it was full to the weight when it was empty and tha...